Thursday, October 28, 2010

Post 10/28/2010

So, good week so far. I just want to say hey to my new friends who may be reading this. I'm really enjoying it out here. Don't really care for the street layout though :/.

Anyway, I'm still trying to get a job, and more importantly applying for student aid at CSU soon. Hopefully I'll get it before next year. God, I'll miss my credit.

Also, I don't think the tall guy is a different person, I don't know. Oh well, halloween is almost over so I hope I don't have to see him much longer.

Went up into the canyon today. I love the air up there, so crisp and the snow was beautiful. I hope I can get some money to go skiing this winter, that would be awesome. I visited a small town while I was up there, and got a ton of jerky for my friend I went up there with. I hope I don't have to stop hiking when I get a job, then again I had another coughing attack while I was up there. I swear this elevation is going to kill me before I get used to it.

Well, I'll you you later guys. I'm going to get some dinner.

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