Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Okay, I'm really freaked out now.

I haven't been telling you all everything. For the last couple days, I've been hearing tapping at my front door. But tonight it wasn't tapping, it was three very loud bangs. I think something is trying to get my attention. Help me, somebody.

I don't think I can sleep tonight.


  1. Hello Greg, I have been reading your blog for a little while and I finaly decided to post, I'm interested in what you may have been experiencing and I think I can help if you go deeper into the story. May I ask if you checked the door and if you could see something outside? You mentioned "tall" men, did they dress up and do you remember if you could see their faces?

    Also could you tell me more about this Tom? It might be relevant.

    Semper vigilans | A


  2. Thank you.

    I never did see a face, but I thought that was from me moving so quickly past it. He was dressed up, in a black suit.

    I didn't check the door too much. Should I have?

  3. You too huh?

    Man, He really gets around.
